Relieve Muscle Cramps With This Simple Quick Fix

The painful experience of muscle cramps comes with an active lifestyle or if you play sports or any kind. Our quick fix may be the easiest solution to provide relief of that agonizing pain. The pain that makes you scream (or curse) at the top of your lungs.
First, let’s start with understanding why muscle cramps occur.
What Causes Muscle Cramps?
There are several reasons why muscle cramps occur. Extensive use of the muscles while jumping or running may result in cramps that occur in the legs (calf, hamstring, quadriceps). This is due to overuse of the muscle (muscle fatigue) or because of dehydration. Dehydration is simply the loss of certain fluids in the body. Low blood supply and lack of certain minerals to the legs and feet may also cause muscle cramps. Calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium are all important minerals for athletes.
Lack of exercise is a common contributor or muscle cramps. The body is out of condition and the muscles are simply not accustomed to the sudden extensive use. The overuse essentially shocks the body and may even cause some nerve and muscle damage. This is why the body feels so sore and tender for several days after.
During intense exercise, lactic acid buildup around the muscles can cause muscle cramps. For those who are not familiar with lactic acid, lactic acid is the by-product of muscle metabolism. Lactic acid levels increase when the flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body decrease.
If you suddenly feel your muscles tighten up, immediately stand up. Try not to flex the muscle that is starting the cramp up. Flexing the muscle will only speed up the cramping process. Muscle cramps can be extremely painful. You will feel like you have lost all control of your muscles. If the muscle cramp happens to go away by itself, it is very likely that it will cramp up again. The second round of cramps may be much more painful than the first round.
Are you ready for the simple quick fix solution to relieve a muscle cramp?
If you feel a muscle cramp coming, stand up. Make sure that the muscles are not locked or flexing at all. Your muscles will slowly start to feel tight and contract lightly, before going into full muscle contractions and spasms. Drink two (2) full glasses of water as quickly as you can. The larger the glass the better, although, 16 ounce glasses seem to work best. Ice water seems to work faster in relieving the muscle cramp when compared to room temperature water. The colder the water the better. Once you have finished drinking the 2 glasses of water, remain standing for about 5 – 7 minutes. After 5 – 7 minutes, your muscles should feel relaxed again. The feeling of the muscles contracting or feeling tight should now be gone.
That’s it!!
Drinking 2 full glasses of ice cold water essentially re-hydrates the body. This increases the levels of oxygen in the body. When you are hydrated, it is much easier for your body to deliver oxygen to your muscles. It is also helpful to replenish your body with the lost minerals and electrolytes found in common energy drinks.
Hopefully, this simple quick fix helps relieve any muscle cramps that you may experience in the future.