Trouble Sleeping? Get a Himalayan Salt Lamp.

Himalayan salt lamps come from Himalayan pink salt. Himalayan pink salt typically comes from the Khewra Salt Mine in Khewra, Pakistan. The salt blocks are carved into a smaller rock shape, then hollowed out to fit a small bulb inside the lamp to warm it. The warming of the Himalayan salt lamp is essential to its function, which we will further explain below.
Why go to all this trouble to make a salt lamp? Some simply enjoy the soft pink color that it emits when lit. Others believe that Himalayan salt lamps provide special health benefits. Some of these benefits include better sleep, allergy reduction, and even a boost in overall happiness. Himalayan salt lamps also give off negative ions, which in themselves are a gigantic health benefit.
Get Better Sleep With a Himalayan Salt Lamp.
We’ll go through these things one by one. First mentioned was better sleep. The way Himalayan salt lamps are good companions for people who may have trouble sleeping is quite simple actually. Electronics, in general, emit positive ions (the kind you don’t want). Exposure to these ions in excess amounts can lead to reduced blood and oxygen supply to the brain. This typically creates a bad sleeping pattern. Blue light can also be bad for your sleep pattern. Negative ions, ironically, are the kind that have the, ‘positive’ effects on your health. These negative ions are the ones that work to increase blood flow, as well as having other amazing effects on your body.
Negative ions also play a vital role in allergy reduction. Allergens, pollen, and dust are all known to carry a positive charge, which allows them to float freely in the air. However, when Himalayan salt lamps are introduced into the situation, the lamp attracts water and moisture in the air to the lamp, where it rapidly evaporates due to the warmth of the lamp when lit up. When this happens, the evaporation gives off negative ions. The negative ions interact with the positively charged dust and allergen particles, neutralizing them and reducing their ability to be airborne by attaching in great numbers, making the bad stuff too heavy to remain in the air, where it is most potent. (source:
Better Sleep = Better Mood.
The facts support allergy reduction and better sleep. Can these lamps really boost mood and happiness though? Himalayan salt lamps actually work to provide an increase in serotonin. Serotonin is the chemical responsible for the regulation of mood and other important things, such as healing of wounds, and sleep. Negative ions produced by the Himalayan salt lamp are the cause of these rises (or steadying) of serotonin levels. Low levels of serotonin can result in symptoms of depression, anxiety, and insomnia.
Although there is very little proof of any other major benefits of using a Himalayan salt lamp, the few health benefits listed above are enough to convince nearly anyone of the ‘magical’ powers of the Himalayan Salt Lamp. Go ahead and add one to your own household.