2013 Spring Outdoor League Results

Monday, May 4, 2020 - 23:45


Congratulations to all the division winners!!


Here are the results for the 2013 Spring Outdoor Volleyball League:


A Pool B Pool C Pool D Pool
1. M.Y. Team 1. Ken's Team 1. Crank'n Shank 1. Victorious Secret
2. Rough Start 2. I'd Hit That 2. Team Ram Rod 2. Cal's Team
3. Tailgating Polar Bears 3. Kim's Team 3. Captain Carlo 3. A Million Shanks
4. Marty's Team 4. Team Crush 4. Jim's Team 4. D-Money
5. Balls Deep 5. The Swingers 5. Alchoballics 5. The Lone Rangers


E Pool F Pool G Pool H Pool
1. We're Setsy And We Know It 1. Brian's Angels 1. Vanessa's Team 1. Dragons
2. Slumdog Millionaires 2. Channa's Team 2. Scared Hitless 2. How I Set Your Mother
3. Dan, Lauren, Erin, Gary 3. The Joy of Sets 3. The Rod & Guns Club 3. Volleynuts

4. Pass or Smash,
Nobody Plays for Free

4. The Pickled Cobra Farts 4. Big Balls 4. Team Citrus
5. Grass-Hoppers 5. Heather's Team   5. Multiple Scorgasms


I Pool J Pool
1. The Last Minute Crew 1. Last Minute
2. Fusion 2. Diggers With Attitude
3. Oh No Henry 3. Sets On The Beach
4. Emil & His Minions 4. Schweddy Balls
  5. Jas, Inese, Sherri, Shelley


CLICK HERE to view the photos