2013 Summer Outdoor Volleyball Results

Monday, May 4, 2020 - 23:45


Congratulations to all the division winners!!

Here are the results for the 2013 Summer Outdoor Volleyball League:


A Pool B Pool C Pool D Pool
1. Balls Deep 1. I'd Hit That 1. The Swingers 1. Le Team
2. Vicious and Delicious 2. Crank n' Shank 2. Victorious Secret 2. Greg's Team
3. Carlo's Team 3. Rough Start 3. Jim's Team 3. We're Setsy & We Know It
4. Tailgating Polar Bears 4. A Million Shanks 4. Marty's Team 4. Spiked Punch
5. Boba Sett 5. Cal's Team 5. Team Crush 5. Team Pasta/Mother Truckers


E Pool F Pool G Pool H Pool
1. Kim's Team 1. Granola Hippies 1. Top Gun 1. Spank You Very Much
2. Friggin' Diggin' 2. The Lone Rangers 2. The Vivid Vballers 2. Alchoballics
3. The Muck Mucks 3. Dragons 3. Grass Stains 3. Leaping Gnomes

4. Channa's Team

4. Shank U 4. Kevin's Team 4. Vanessa's Team
5. D-Money 5. Team Ram Rod 5. Juicy Bear Salad 5. The Rod & Gun Club


I Pool J Pool K Pool L Pool
1. Pass or Smash, Nobody Plays for Free 1. The Four Lokos 1. The Cornholers 1. Team Citrus
2. Charlie's Angels 2. Smashed 2. VolleyNuts 2. Cabidaz Locaz
3. That's What She Set 3. Lightning Crickets 3. Oh No Henry 3. Sets on the Beach
4. Good Volley Miss Molly 4. Lauren's Team 4. The Amazing Ace 4. Mike's Team
5. Can't Touch This 5. Grass-Hoppers 5. We Always Get It Up 5. 99 Problems, But a Block Ain't One


M Pool N Pool O Pool  
1. FCVK 2 1. Tony's Team 1. Camille's Team  
2. Jerry's Team 2. FCVK 1 2. The Racketeers  
3. Singles II 3. Will Work For Sets 3. Short & Sassy  
4. Diggers with Attitude 4. G's Gang 4. Schweddy Balls  
5. Sloppy Sets 5. Volleycouver 5. Megan's Team