2017 Spring Outdoor League Results

Wednesday, July 5, 2017 - 22:48


Congratulations to all the division winners!!

Here are the results for the 2017 Spring Outdoor Volleyball League:


A Pool B Pool C Pool D Pool
1. Attack of the Clones 1. Will Work For Sets 1. Good Volley Miss Molley 1. Gerry Peng's Team
2. Top Gun 2. Lisa MacLean's Team 2. Katie's Minions 2. Set To Kill
3. Spicy Rolls 3. Killz For Sets 3. Set For Live 3. Cowabunga
4. The Big Givers 4. The Ball Crushers 4. Thump and Bump 4. I'd Hit That
5. Inappropriate Touches 5. Interracial Sets 5. Spiking Grass 5. Shane Johnson's Team 


E Pool F Pool G Pool H Pool
1. Straight Shots 1. Block Party 1. Bump'in Uglies 1. Set Pistols
2. Juicy Bears 2. Hoof Hearted 2. Shots! Shots! Shots! 2. Service Error
3. Who's Ball Is It Anyway? 3. MEAT 3. Slick Set 3. 2 Bumps
4. Doug Harm's Team 4. VolleyNuts 4. Smashing Banana's 4. Bangers and Smash
5. Scott Kwan's Team 5. Baby Bumpers 5. Kinky Sets 5. Net Assets
  6. Beta Blockers    


I Pool J Pool K Pool L Pool
1. I'd Hit That Ace 1. Bear Ballin' 1. All About Dat Ace  1. Serge l'blockers
2. That's What She Set 2. Kiss My Ace 2. The Bump 'n Grinders 2. Calm Your Tips
3. Dream Weavers 3. New Kids On The Block 3. The Volley-Llamas 3. Attack Pack
4. Mike Henley's Team 4. Singles 4. Schweddy Balls 4. Tritons
5. The Bumpers 5. Wilson 5. Gold Diggers 5. Amelie Francis' Team
    6. Tapioca