2017 Summer Outdoor League Results

Tuesday, August 29, 2017 - 23:25


Congratulations to all the division winners!!

Here are the results for the 2017 Summer Outdoor Volleyball League:


A Pool B Pool C Pool D Pool
1. Cbay Comets 1. Attack Of The Clones 1. Friggin' Diggin' 1. That's What She Set
2. Will Work For Sets 2. Cobra Kai 2. The Spankers 2. Hammer Time
3. Spicy Rolls 3. I'd Hit That 3. The Big Givers 3. Spiking Grass
4. Inappropriate Touches 4. Lisa Chan's Team 4. Scott Kwan's Team 4. Doug Harm's Team
5. Vic Flips 5. Ibuprofen 5. Friends of Advil 5. Superfluous Old Balls
6. Grass Stains      


E Pool F Pool G Pool H Pool
1. Top Gun 1. Derek Lucas' Team 1. Tall Order 1. Straight Shots
2. Shane Johnson's Team 2. Kats 2. Al's Pals 2. Baby Bumpers
3. Hoof Hearted 3. Swingers 3. VolleyNuts 3. Green Hops
4. Who's Ball Is It Anyway? 4. Volleyball Clique 4. DWA 4. Team Awesome
5. Anonymous 5. Reunion Tour 5. Chewblocka 5. Pink Flamingos
      6. Erika Dufort's Team


I Pool J Pool K Pool L Pool
1. Bumping Uglies 1. We Showed Up 1. Kinky Sets 1. Calm Your Tips
2. Grass Hoppers 2. 2 Bumps 2. Service Error 2. Bear Ballin'
3. MEAT 3. Bangers and Smash 3. All About Dat Ace 3. Wham Bam Thank You Mam!
4. The Ball Crushers 4. Block Party 4. RAV 4 4. Toboomonja
5. TFA 5. Slick Set 5. Bumps and Bruises 5. Grass Eaters


M Pool N Pool O Pool  
1. Carl Chambers' Team 1. Chicks Dig Us 1. Attack Pack  
2. Singles 1 2. Bumps On A Log 2. The Bump'n Grinders  
3. Singles 2 3. We Three Kings 3. Schweddy Balls  
4. Set Pistols 4. Bumpin' Uglies 4. Bump and Thump  
5. The Benjamins 5. Young Guns 5. Fireballs