2018 Spring Outdoor League Results

Thursday, June 28, 2018 - 23:21


Congratulations to all the division winners!!

Here are the results for the 2018 Spring Outdoor Volleyball League:


A Pool B Pool C Pool D Pool
1. Dennis The Menace 1. Side Boob 1. Top Gun 1. Bobby's Team
2. Cbay Comets 2. Greasy Monkeys 2. Chewblocka 2. BADI
3. Placement Killers 3. Inappropriate Touches 3. I'd Hit That 3. Grave Diggers
4. Ken's Team 4. Got Rice? 4. Itsy Bitsy Spikers 4. Al's Pals
5. Lisa's Team 5. David's Team 5. Dan's Team 5. The Big Givers


E Pool F Pool G Pool H Pool
1. Smooth Moves 1. Meat 1. Westco 1. Green Hops
2. Saved By The Ball 2. Whacka Blocka Game 2. Straight Shots 2. Defying Gravity
3. Who's Ball Is It Anyway? 3. Doug's Team 3. Volleynuts 3. New Kids On The Block
4. Setting Ducks 4. Serves You Right! 4. Set-sy and We Know It 4. Slam Chowder
5. Roofing Co. 5. Diggy Smalls 5. Mediocrity 5. Pipe Dream


I Pool J Pool K Pool
1. Nathan, Mika, Fraser 1. Kinky Sets 1. We Three Kings
2. The Donald Bumps 2. Destiny's Team 2. Service Error
3. Pop Up Blockers 3. Safe Sets 3. Bumpin' Uglies
4. RAV4 4. All About Dat Ace 4. Schweddy Balls
5. Craig, Wesley, Sharon 5. Bad Ass Bitches 5. Kiss My Ace