2024 Indoor Volleyball Results (Fall)

Saturday, December 28, 2024 - 23:51


Congratulations to all the division winners!!

Here are the indoor volleyball league results for the Fall 2024 season (September - December):

"A" Pool
1. TBD
2. TBD
3. TBD
4. TBD
"B" Pool
1. Spice Squad
2. Genaius
3. Smash or Pass
4. Hit Singles
"C" Pool
1. Crank'n Shank
2. Smooth Moves
3. Big Dig Energy
4. To Kill a Blocking Nerd
"D" Pool
1. Old Schooled
2. Mangoes
3. The Jolley Volleys
4. All-41
"E" Pool
1.  Vintage
2. Bumpty Dumpty
3. Malagueta
4. Hot Diggity
"F" Pool
1. Miss Girl
2. Aces
3. Kiss My Ace
4. Hash Browns
"G" Pool
1. Jasmine's Team
2. Old Schoolers
3. Empire Spikes Back
4. Ace Holes
"H" Pool
1. TBD
2. TBD
3. TBD
4. TBD
"I" Pool
1. Austin Powers
2. Green Hops
3. Step Libero Help
4. Bump, Set, Psych