2024 Outdoor Volleyball League Results (Adult Summer)

Saturday, August 31, 2024 - 01:48

Congratulations to all the division winners!!

Here are the outdoor volleyball league results for the Summer 2024 season (July - August):

"A" Pool
1. Molly's Game
2. Thunder Chickens
3. Ballerz
4. R.E.D.
5. Dragons
"B" Pool
1. Swingers
2. Placement Killers
3. Home Grown Hops
4. Vintage
5. Crank 'n Shank
"C" Pool
1. JanzFam
2. Gettin' Diggy Wit It
3. Hot Diggity
4. Tulista Dream Team
5. The Explosion
"D" Pool
1. Red Hot Silly Peppers
2. Over The Top
3. Mangoes
4. Net Returns
5. Rockwell 21
"E" Pool
1. Wined Up
2. Spike Tyson
3. Mission Unblockable
4. Vicious and Delicious
"F" Pool
1. Set 'em Up
2. Smooth Moves 
3. Sets on the Beach
4. 'Sup Sun
5. Get For Life
"G" Pool
1. Old Schoolers
2. Beans
3. How I Set Your Mother
4. Grasshoppers
5. Spike Giants
"H" Pool
2. Bump, Set, Psych
3. Yigit, Jorja, Zack, Thomas
4. Vertically Challenged
5. Block Busters
"I Pool
2. Nathan's Team
3. Sunsetters
4. Casual Sets
5. Big MAAC
"J" Pool
1. Ball Smackers
2. Netinators
3. Green Hops
4. Chamber of Serves
5. Volley Llamas