Life Lab - Hands-on Spiritual Growth and Ministry

Saturday, July 4, 2015 - 19:10

  Weclome to Life Lab!

  You have arrived at a new and exciting place in your spiritual growth and development.  Life Lab was created as a hands on learning environment where you can develop a specific spirtual development program and put it to work where you are, as you are and feel confident that you can attain progress, growth, and maturity in your spiritual being.

  Life Lab is a three-tiered approach to spiritual development.  Each tier is specifically developped to be worked at the individual person's level, comfort zone, and speed.  With this approach each of us can develop definite areas of our person, and character within a context that utilizes scriptural principles, spiritual support from fellow followers of Christ, and a practical, easy to understand plan.

The Tiers:

Spiritual Progress in Character

Spiritual Giftedness and Service

Spiritual Warfare


  Life Lab works on the format of daily, weekly efforts specific to personal spiritual development.  Lesson guides will lead you through a simple, direct approach to working on things the Holy Spirit brings to your attention.

  Each day, you will attempt through prayer, Bible study, behavioral changes, and focused attention to move from where you are now in regards to those things brought to your attention by the Holy Spirit.

  Weekly small group sessions will provide the encouragement, reinforcement, and assistance you need to experience visible positive results.