The team at kloverpoint has created this account to showcase how you can use kloverpoint Web Page Creator to create your own web pages. Whether for personal or business use, kloverpoint can help you create and display your web pages within minutes. You don't need any prior web development skills or html knowledge. We'll post tips, tutorials, and general information that can help you create wonderful web pages. The great thing about kloverpoint is that you don't need to set up your own web page hosting or domain name hosting. All you need is the information and content that you would like to post. kloverpoint's text editor is easy to use, and kloverpoint's content layout options give you the tools to be creative with how you want your web page to look.
This kloverpoint account is created with all the tools available with kloverpoint Web Page Creator. What you see while browsing this kloverpoint account is what you can do with your own kloverpoint account.
kloverpoint Web Page Creator is a web based SaaS solution. So what does that really mean? It means that in order to use kloverpoint Web Creator, all you need to do is create your own kloverpoint account and have Internet access. You can create new kloverpoint web pages or update your current web pages any time and any where as long as you have Internet connection and a device to access the Internet. You can access your kloverpoint account on a desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet, or mobile smartphone.
But let's also make one thing clear... kloverpoint is not a website builder. You can certainly use kloverpoint Web Page Creator to link all your web pages (to your kloverpoint profile or to your other published kloverpoint web pages), however, kloverpoint is not designed to help you build and create a full functioning website.
In addition to building and creating web pages, you can also create photo albums with kloverpoint Web Page Creator.
Although kloverpoint's target audience is small businesses and organizations, anyone who is wanting to create and publish web pages can use kloverpoint web page creator. Building and publishing web pages does not need to be difficult or stressful, but should instead be fun and exciting! After all, who wouldn't enjoy showing off web pages that they have created?
As a business owner, you have so many other tasks to juggle to make your business a success. Adding web page creation and maintenance to the list of tasks should not be something that you dread, or even worse, scares you. After all, how will your future customers know you exist and learn about the great products and services you offer unless they can find you online?
kloverpoint Web Page Creator is designed for users who have limited web page development skills and knowledge. You simply come up with the content and information that you want to display. kloverpoint helps you publish it!
When you sign up for a kloverpoint Web Page Creator account, you will be granted access to a Free Account. No credit card is required when you sign up for your kloverpoint account. You simply need to provide a valid email address and create a unique kloverpoint Web Page Creator username. When we say a "unique username", we simply mean a username that is not associated with another kloverpoint user. Our system will notify you if your requested username is already being used by another kloverpoint user. Signing up for a free kloverpoint Web Page Creator account is a great way to see if kloverpoint Web Page Creator is the right solution for you. We should also mention that free kloverpoint accounts have limited features, and will display advertisements on your web pages.
When you are ready to upgrade your kloverpoint account from a Free Account to a Pro Account (or Pro+ Account), you can purchase your upgrade subscription when you are logged in to your kloverpoint Web Page Creator account. kloverpoint Subscriptions are billed/charged on a monthly basis. You can upgrade your kloverpoint account at any time. You can also cancel your kloverpoint Subscription at any time.